The Order Matters (aka The Diabolical Coffee Maker)

Today I woke up and, as part of my normal routine, put coffee grounds into the coffee machine and turned it on. Then, I started doing something else while waiting for it to finish.

I felt a prickle on the back of my neck like something might be wrong with the coffee machine. Though I wasn’t sure what it was. I gave a quick glance over but shook my head. Everything was fine.

But that nagging sensation wouldn’t go away. I paid more attention this time, and walked over to the pot. I instantly realized what was bothering me. I could hear none of the usual sounds of coffee production. There were no drips or blorps. There was also no smell of freshly brewing coffee.

And I also discovered why. I had forgot to put the water in! So, I laughed, got some water in the pitcher and began to pour it into the now well heated water receptical in the coffee machine.

The moment the cool water touched the hot surface, it vapourized. My coffee maker let out a dragon like growl and sent steam roaring into my face. I stumbled back, stunned at the vicious attack. My arms jerked causing water to splash out of the pitcher and land on the counter and the coffee maker.

I paused for a moment to gather my wits. The coffee machine was putting up a fight this morning. But I was determined to come out the victor. So, I laughed again and poured the rest of the water in (the machine was cooled off by now). I cleaned up the mess and turned it on.

I was sure I had won. I waited in satisfaction as the machine brewed the coffee.

The moment came, the little beep sounded letting me know that my coffee was finally done. I smuggly poured my first cup, lifted the liquid goodness to my lips, and took a sip.

Disgusting! It was weak, watery, bland coffee! I was horrified. Just when I thought I had won, the coffee machine dealt yet another savage blow. I now had to go through the entire process again, giving the machine more opportunities to toy with me.

But I was deterimined, and began to carefully go through the coffee making steps again. In the process of reseting the coffee machine, I noticed that I didn’t put in enough coffee grounds. Of course. That was why it was watery and aweful. This time, I put it the right amount of grounds, double checked the water situation, and pushed the brew button.

Finally, I was victorious – albeit humbled after a narrow victory in a close match with a diabolical coffee machine. I also learned a lesson. When doing something that has multiple steps, the order of the steps matters a great deal.