Think on these things.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Stop for a moment to consider that God tells us what to think about.

If anyone else told you what to think about, I am sure you would object. Our mind is our own is it not? We may subject ourselves to the laws of the land, or follow the advice of others on how to act. But our mind is our own domain. Right?

Anyone in advertising or marketing knows how silly this is. The mind is very easy to manipulate. All you need is the internet feeding people media that implants values and ideas. Why do ads exist? Because they work. They get people to buy products.

The difference between the way God influences our minds and the way the world does, is that God is honest about it. He tells us up front, through his servant Paul, that we are to choose what we think about, and to choose the right things.

The world tries to sneak thoughts into our heads through the media we consume, or through the cultural ethos of the day.

So, God tells us to fill our minds with good things (truth, honor, justice, purity, loveliness, excellence etc.). When our minds are full of these things, there is little space left for evil thoughts to creep in from the world around us, or from our own hearts.

If There Is Any Excellence

Usain Bolt running at 27.78 miles per hour.

The writing of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

The insights and depth of Augustine of Hippo.

The Great Pyramids at Giza.

The 51 mile long artificial waterway of the Panama Canal.

The amazing system of roads, streets and highways in the United States.

The extent to which Jesus healed people from their diseases.

The inerrant and completely accurate Word of God contained in the Bible.

Think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Whatever is Commendable

The good reputation of another.

Discussing how skilled one of your coworkers is with another one of your coworkers.

A well managed home, with a happy marriage and well behaved children.

When you finish what you start.

Getting good grades at school.

Winning a game by playing fairly and as hard as you can.

Playing a game as best you can, even if you loose.

Not giving up, despite failures.

Telling the truth.

Think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Whatever is Lovely

A well tended garden.

Sunsets at the beach.

A new bride in her wedding dress.

A clean and comfortable home.

The view from sitting in a boat in the middle of a still lake in the morning.

The face of Jesus Christ.

The feet of those who preach the gospel.

Think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Whatever is Pure

Pure, clean water, untainted by bacteria; ready for drinking.

A worker who does a good job for the work’s sake, not to earn the praise of others.

A mother who cares for her family without bitterness, or a complaining spirit.

A father who disciplines his children out of love, not out of embarrassment caused by their bad behavior.

A machine or work of man that functions according to how its creator designed it.

A life lived in accordance to how God designed humans to live.

When the sexual activities of a person align with God’s design for those activities. That is, when they are done within a valid marriage.

A brilliant oration, where every word works as part of a whole, to achieve the desired aim of the speaker.

The loving embrace of a young child.

Think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Whatever is Just

Treating those who cannot do much for you, the same as those who can.

When those who obey the law are rewarded for their obedience.

When those who disobey the law are punished.

God’s wrath against sinners.

God’s wrath again His Son in the place of sinners.

God’s justification of sinners like me, because of His wrath poured out on His own Son.

When a thief returns four times what he stole in repentance.

Forgiving those who have offended us, because we have been forgiven.

Think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Whatever is Honorable

Telling the truth even when it hurts.

Being a faithful husband and father.

Being a faithful wife and mother.

Keeping your promises even when it hurts to do so.

Paying your taxes on time and in full.

Making a decision and sticking to it, after thinking it through fully.

Doing something physically or mentally challenging, and growing from the experience.

Helping someone who is in need.

Defending someone who cannot defend himself.

Not telling the lies that the world wants you to tell and risking the world’s rejection for it.

When Sam, barred from carrying the One Ring for Frodo, chooses to carry the heavier burden, Frodo himself, out of love for his friend, and hatred for evil.

Fighting for what is truly right.

Think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Whatever is True

Jesus rose from the dead.

You are alive.

It has been two-thousand and twenty-one years since Jesus walked on this earth.

1.3 million earths can fit inside the sun.

Every day of your life, the sun has risen.

Every day of your life, the sun has set.

Franklin D Roosevelt and Teddy Roosevelt are fifth cousins.

There are places on this planet where no human has ever been.

Every culture on earth knows what music is.

Everyone knows what a smile means.

Think about these things. Philippians 4:8