
Left: Caleb | Middle: Me | Right: Noah

I, Michael Wine, am a single dad of two (see photo). Besides raising my kids and working, which takes up most my time, I likes to read, and think about things, for example the idea of having a blog to write other thoughts down on.

I am fond of the idea of recording some thoughts down in blog post format, but rarely find (or make) time for the actual writing of said blog posts.

I’m a Christian, believe the Bible is the actual word of God, and that everything in it is really True (note the capital ‘T’). But, like every other Christian out there, I find it difficult to match my life with the glorious realities of what I believe.

Right now I’m sitting at my desk, typing out this About page, while crazy stuff is going on in the world (just Google what was going on on 5.31.2020), as my sons play in the bath, listening as one of them shouts, “PLAYING IN THE POOPING MACHINE!”, and hoping that it is just one of those “pretend” games, and not an accurate description of their current physical surroundings… I should probably go check that out.

…Well I just checked it out. Thankfully the #2 was not in the tub, but in the toilet. No flush, but I’ll take what I can get.

So now you now a little about me, what I want you to know about me that is. It’s amazing how good we are at selectively revealing ourselves to each other.

So, let me be more transparent. Outwardly, like most of you, I’m hardworking, friendly, care about others, introverted but I make an effort to connect with people, and blah blah blah.

Inwardly it is not so pretty. You’ll forgive me for summing up that my inside self (my soul) is full of dead men’s bones. If you’ve spent a good amount of time looking – really looking – at yourself, your motivations, your deep thoughts and desires, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, and think you are actually inwardly a ‘good’ person, then you are either arrogant, lying to yourself, or just not paying attention (See Romans 3:10).

If I was a tree, I would be an apple tree that looks healthy and fruitful from a distance. But close up, there would be a disappointing amount of good apples growing on the branches. And if you chopped me down and took a peek at the inside, you’d see rotting wood.

That’s why I need Jesus.

He said, “AbideĀ in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” John 15:4

This rotten tree needs to be grafted onto a healthy one. I need to be connected to Jesus to live. In myself, I have no life. In Jesus alone, can I be alive – can any of us be alive.

Because he suffered and died on a Roman cross, taking the just punishment for sin that I deserved, God forgives me of my sin (those dead bones I was talking about). Because he rose from the dead, by believing in him and surrendering to him as Lord, I am united to him in his new life. In other words, this rotten tree is grafted in to the living tree.

Wow. That is amazing news!! I hope you feel that way too. If you do, I hope this site can be of some encouragement and interest to you. If you don’t, stick around anyway, if you want. You can even write me angry notes if you want (I mean – I am saying that you are a rotting tree inside and need Jesus to live after all…).

P.S. – Now you know why this site is called Wine (that’s me) In The Vine (that’s Jesus).